Monday, January 2, 2012

New episode coming

Hey guys,

Me and Tom recently discussed putting aside some time in the near future to record a new episode. So watch your iTunes!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Episode 15: In the Still of the Night

Relief finally comes to a shaken city in the form of this special earthquake edition of Puddle of Gravy. Frayed nerves are assuaged with ideas for the best (and worst) entertainment in these trying times, and foreign measuring traditions are discussed and explained (as well as something so confounding can ever be explained). Listen if you want to learn probably every fact that it is possible to know about the band, "Guns And Roses."

Friday, August 6, 2010

Episode 14: Love the Aged

Puddle of Gravy's time in the interstitial wilderness concludes with a heartfelt pean to the wonders of the old, the elderly, and the dead (maybe from old). If you listened to the last episode, then this one will make you chuckle to yourself and say, "I recognize the reference!", which as we all know is the greatest feeling a person in the Twenty First Century can feel. Anyway, if you want to learn about Pompeii (it's a low-growth area), have a listen.

[EDIT: Now the link is fixed!]

Monday, March 15, 2010

Episode 13: Chimpanzinoff's Wetmare

Crime! Punishment! Society! Its Malcontents! Chimpanzees! All are given a thorough going-over in the first part of an epic two-part installment of Like a Mad Dog Running Through A Puddle of Gravy in which everything you know will change... forever. Listen if you are a German or a Mexican and you want a few shout-outs. You will learn a goodly bit about Kung Fu in this episode.