Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Like a Mad Dog Running Through a Puddle of Gravy in the News

Before his departure, Tom was interviewed by Wellington underground-poetry czar Yenping Yeo for her radio show, Tuesdays with Laura and Yenping. They talked about what it's like to have a podcast with such an ungainly name. If you were to click your mouse over these words, you could read Yenping's blog about the show and listen to the interview! Be sure to leave a comment complimenting YP on such a grand interview.


  1. Just listened to your interview with Yenping. It was very cool and she seems like a really nice person. I heard myself indirectly mentioned which was awesome. As well as "a German friend" which I assume is either Quimby or Ontic5.

    I really liked what she said about an intimate coffee shop setting. It does kinda feel that way.

    The only thing that I think I disagree with is when Yenping refers to you guys as "the most average people in the world." I'm not sure that's the case. But any way it was a great interview which made me laugh on several occasions !!!

    anyway, Till next time which us fans can only hope comes within a fortnight.
    Have Fun!!!

  2. Thanks for the kind words SfST, and for those on YP's blog as well! I think what she meant was that we have no areas of specialty - it's not "a couple professors" or "a couple entertainers" or what have you. We're just a couple blokes.

    Or maybe she was comparing us to Greg Kinnear.

  3. lolz!! That you are...a couple of blokes I mean, not Greg Kinnear :)

  4. The interview made ME laugh several times. Even upon listening to it again. It made Laura laugh too. :)

    As for being "most average", I was reflecting on the theme of Episode 10 (i.e. what the most average guy talks about), and drawing a parallel with the fact that Tom and Danny are a couple of blokes, acting like blokes. If Greg Kinnear had a podcast in which he tried to act like Greg Kinnear, then that's what I mean.

    There must be a name for this dramatic device.

  5. This was a very enjoyable episode, laughed a few time like always. I think Joe adds a little edge to the show. I'm a photogrammetrists and I make maps for our aerial division. Thanks for the history lesson I'll have to ask one the old timers in the office about paper towns.

  6. Good point Yenping. I suppose it's a narrative version of what behavioural experts call mirroring.


Please try not to say anything like "owned" or "epic fail" or suchlike.