We prove our intelligence by misunderstanding an article about intelligence. Danny thinks fourth-dimensionally. Tom spends much of the episode giggling, but that's okay, we know what you came for anyway. You will learn where Paprika comes from in this episode. Listen if you want to know how to make a big movie hit (and you are Indian).
Hey Guys,
ReplyDeleteStar Trek is gonna be AWESOME
yea exactly, its called a "workprint" and it sucks if it's a movie based on special effects,(like X-men) because you miss out on alot. I watched pineapple express in workprint a while back and it was no biggy, since they had no effects anyway so it was enjoyable...
Mathew Perry sounds kinda stupid no?
-the new york times- is the shittiest "good paper" there is. its ridiculous...
I agree completely with Danny, I don't trust stats, I.Q. test,and such either.
Tom i love how you just straight out call Danny dumber then he thinks he is.
Danny vs. "The Cows" was absolutely hilarious.
O.K. guys... How long ago do you actually think 1917 took place ? ? ?
The headlines part was incredibly hilarious!!! you guys should make a repeating small segment with like "headlines of the week" or something. i think many would like it including you guys!!!
im was thinkin if maybe it's worth it to practice signing off... but then the clumsy ending is kinda good as well.so...
anyway. Excellent PoG!!!! no guest? guest are cool as long as you don't talk too much about them. I really enjoyed this guys,
best wishes,
The 1917 section was funny.
ReplyDeleteDanny is really a great inventer. Reminds me of the Chillghetti episode of Do over.
But you shouldn´t kill Hitler. You know, that´s just bringing Kane into power. And who needs that...
The village idiot part was hilarious!
But the best section easily was the Headlines! Keep it going. And Tom, you are the happiest depressed person I ever heard of.
Just remember: Be happy, it beats the alternative!
I am throbbing and tumescent for Star Trek. Holy Christmas.
ReplyDeleteI thought the NYT was the "good" paper? I thought the NYP was the inequivocably terrible paper, the Washington Post was a bit ridic, and the NYT was a little bit classy? I'm bad at this. We only have terrible papers here so it's hard for me to get my head around this notion you raise of a "good paper".
Dear SFST, as a resident of the Real Mexico, by now you should just have accepted that our knowledge of the world is woefully slim and that the vast net of Things We Don't Know Shit About extends through time as well as geographical space. Join us next week when we think dinosaurs have thumbs.
We actually DO go through headlines every fortnight, but this was the first time they made it into the show.
Thanks Ontic!
your comment made me smile...
ReplyDeleteim going out on the limb, but to keep it short and none intellectual,,, have you seen the way colbert talks about the NYT? and he doesnt even do his own research. NYT used to be decent but that endeda while back when bush stumbled into office.(this is my opinion)
as ontic said,, do the headlines more often. they rule, and its fun when you guys have fun with them.
and dont worry.. i dont even live in the real mexico. i live in a bubble inside several other bubbles. i cant even remember the last time i went to the "zocalo" or walked in the street. i drive in my mobile bunker to and from bars/clubs/house parties.
anyway im a little buzzed so i'll stop here but i really like your POV's, misinformed or unfactual as they maybe on ocasions, you usually hit the nail on the head.
hasta la proxima!
Surprisingly enjoyable and funny! I love the narrations and occasional laughter. Definatly will keep listening to these podcasts. "Wheres your stout man?" Great stuff. Headlines of poetry "Barbequed guests!"
ReplyDeleteand my personal favorite, "Panda mating fails, Vet takes over!"
Good stuff guys.
By the way, Found a couple you may like...
ReplyDelete"Hospitals sued by 7ft doctors"
"Man struck by lightning Faces battery charges"
"New study of obesity looks for larger test group."
"If strike isnt settled quickly, it may last a while."
I'm not sure I have ever heard the phrase "where is your stout, man?!"; I believe Danny may have, like Shakespeare, made a valuable addition to English lexicography.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the headlines!
It is great. This is great, as always. I've been a keen listener since the very start, but haven't comment until now. Just wanted to let you know that there are actually six people listening.
ReplyDeleteAnd Tom, I check in on your youtube-account more regularly than I check in on my family, keep those vids coming, they are one of the few things in this world worth delaying dinner for.
Yes, this is rather good. You guys sure know how to have a laugh. Keep them coming.
ReplyDelete/Keen listner number seven
Every once in a while a fortnight seems like such a long time :)
ReplyDeleteand well said Sunfresh