DO NOT FRET! We do not mention any trendy or fashionable or current diseases in this episode. However we do teach you all about funguses (the plural of fungi) and parasitii (the plural of one sitii). Listen to this episode if you want to know things about the human brain.

On the offchance that you should want to learn more about disgusting fungusii,
Tom has made you a video. [EDIT: Relinked to working video].
Hello Tom and Danny!
ReplyDeleteI heard that zombie-ant thing too!! it's so psycho! I agree with Tom that we'd be screwed if they evolved to attack humans. That's a zombie-end-of-the-world scenario never before done in movies :)
BTW I watch this NZ zombie flcik called" last of the living" and found it very entertaining.
(I couldn't get the fungusesii link to work XD)
WEll Tom, there are several parasites related to food that move toward the human brain and fuck shit up there, maybe not speech specifically but stuff in general and eventually you die.(if untreated).
No thinking and talking at the same time?? hilarious concept, it's like having to buffer video with a crap internet connection but in converstions and such! that mental image will last a while !!!
on the Walkman Article by some "smart person":
my music isn't rubbish, my private world is awesome and the person next to me is usually a dumbass...
Danny referring to himself in the third person is quiet bizarre. But Danny, what if the person is like happy to see you or something and you just blow them off, not very nice. I think Tom has a more social responsible and nice point of view saying something like: "I'm happy to talk to my friends, that's why they are my friend"---I agree completely.
Beggars in my part of Mexico just walk up to your car and stretch their hands and walk by, I mean they could at least ask politely.
-free idea-
a bunch of people at a party smoking, then the main character starts looking around at the same people but now they are corpses n stuff and he gets scared, screen goes black then say "smoking kills", cuz who gives a shit if is socially awkward?, isn't dying more frightening than being awkward?
-end advertisement-
...poor fat people. XD
Well, great show!! no guest to the show this time? ... thanks for the laughed. Talk to you soon!
Was looking forward to this episode and was quenched of my thirst for knowledge lol. Aw who am I kidding, I just listen in to hear the funny conversations and ideas that spring up from the fountains of goofiness from you two.
ReplyDeleteI love the fact that stupid people you dont want to talk to always appear during times when you dont really want to invest in akward conversations.
How exactly would you profit from causing people not to be abe to think and speak at the same time? Not a lot of people would really understand what was happning to them. It would cause some very akward dinner date conversations though.
Wow SFST! My good friend Logan McMillan made "Last of the Living", I went to it's world premiere here in Christchurch last year. That's so cool you got to see it.
ReplyDeleteGood ad idea but everyone knows smoking kills, that doesn't shock people anymore. In saying that though, I guess my campaign's intent is not to shock but rather try to combat the notion of smoking being "cool".
I think the idea of widening the thought/speech divide (it is already a thing, but I'd aim to increase it) would be similar to the "gay bomb" that DARPA were working on. It wouldn't kill or maim people, just force them to reevaluate their senses of self in a discombobulating and amusing way. People are too hung up on showing themselves to be smart; if speech became an active tool in self-confounding, we'd all just have to say, "well, I guess I don't miss being smart all that much", and also, "I am going to shut up when I want to take something in".
ReplyDeleteThanks for pointing that out SFST. Turns out you can't link directly to the HQ version. How dumb! Link works now.
ReplyDeleteWe're loving the support we get from you guys. Please keep listening, keep enjoying the show, keep suggesting what else you'd like to hear, and tell your homeys.
I actually like SFST's ad pitch because it deftly mixes "smoking kills" AND "smoking is socially awkward". You're killing yourself and that's making social situations tricky for you!
ReplyDeleteDanny/Uninspired/all our other Kiwi listeners, do you remember those print ads from the mid 90s where it would show a real loser who was a smoker, and say "if it's so cool how come your cousin Dwayne does it"? Those were the best anti-smoking ads I've ever seen. So much better than the bass player from Minuit telling me what a sheeple I am for wanting to light up. Those ads make me want lung cancer and a three-pack habit, just to spite 'em.
I reiterate though that I think smokers are really cool.
in response:
ReplyDeleteDanny: no fucking way!!! I'm totally into zombie flicks, we used to get together every Sunday and watch some random zombie movie,(i think i can say i've seen most all there are) usually very...very bad, but sometimes we'd get a surprise. this was one of those cases. I'm honored to say that i know a guy who knows the guy who made a really fucking awesome zombie flick. seriously i really enjoyed it.( tell your friend he did a great job, now i'm ashamed to say i didn't pay shit to see it)
Tom: you probably knew it but your statement about peeps being too hung up on themselves and relative "smartness"(SFTU) is very real and intelligent. and fuck i smoke and i feel like a hypocrite :(
Bros G: we the listeners do what little we can! i'm sure the only problem with your lack of viewers is your lack of viewers in itself. I know you guys hate auto-marketing yourselves but you guys deserve a much larger fan base!!
at least I, in my own mexican opinion love you guys!!!
stay safe!
Danny, your parasites on the interwebs idea is interesting, though I hold no special grudge against spiders.
ReplyDeleteTom, I don´t know if people would give a shit if they couldn´t think at the same time as they speak. After all, most people can´t even be bothered to think before they speak. Best example: politicians (at least ours).
Your anti-smoking ads are cool (that does include you, someone). I alwayws liked the anti-smoking ads of John Cleese. At least at the first time I saw them, they were something completely different from the usual don´t smoke campaigns. Some of his ads should be available on youtube.
The walkman/ipod thingie to be left unbothered is cool as well, though an appropriate facial expression works as well for me. I only have to look kinda stressed out or busy and no one will dare to speak to me just to small talk or something. Saves battery time.
Good episode, keep ´em coming