A bumper crop of Danny's Animal Funhouse stories await you this episode! Danny will teach you about all sorts of animals... but to mention what they are would be giving away the fun. Listen to this episode if you want to learn who the Queen should have in her court; you will learn a lot about how the
Titanic was constructed.
Danny's Animal Funhouse is rad!!
ReplyDeleteA man riding a wallaby?? I'm not sure what a wallaby is but I imagined Tom riding yoshi and jumping over a fence for some odd reason!
Why can't you be 25 and enjoy shit like south park or other cartoons, skating, drawing and having fun in general? I think just because "time" passes you needn't leave behind stuff you like or makes you happy. You could be a perfectly normal and socially adapted and responsible guy who after work enjoy some xbox or turns on family guy. In my opinion( which i hold in great esteem) this man-child nonsense is either being confused with "peter-pan" complex and/or the fact that 50 years ago a 25-30 year old guy had no xbox, no computer, no decent TV and was probably already married and with children.
I'm sick of people saying that things/people aren't like they used to be. Why do "the olden days" always have to be better than the present?... These analysts you speak of sound quite uninformed and biased. Speaking not of what actually IS, but rather only of what they think they see... they say WE don't wanna grow up, I think THEY don't want to let go.
It's always wonderful of you guys to make the PoGs so we the listener can enjoy them, don't thank me, I thank you.
(constructive tip: sometime you both wanna get you views out and it's just a jumble of words, maybe you need something like a "shut-up cock" when both talk at the same time and neither wants to stop)
Nice episode. I liked Danny's Animal Funhouse too.
ReplyDeleteBTW Someone, a Wallaby is a little Kangaroo, really nothing to ride on.
That eagle story was terrific. Those cunny austrians find all kinds of ways to get other peoples money.
To knight someone nowadays has no real worth. If the queen likes to appoint people, why doesn´t she appoint them to plumbers, gardeners or cooks. To give meaning to the titles, those people would of course actually have to work for her.
I think you both have valid points in regards to the boy-man debate. People nowadays don´t tend to accept lasting responsibilities as easily as, say, 30 years ago. I´m one of them. And I don´t think that that´s a bad thing all in all.
Why should I buy a house, if I don´t know if I will be staying in one place for the rest of my life? Why should I be a father? The world´s crowded enough already.
On the other hand Danny´s right in pointing out that many things that were cool in the 90´s are still around today. Think about how long the Simpsons have been running by now! And there are still new seasons in the make.
Surely "a generation of men who refuse to take on responsibility, living forever in the realm of action movies and first-person shooters", should at least imply that action movies and first-person shooters were undergoing some sort of Golden Age?
ReplyDeleteI mean, I could understand wearing a nametag till I was fifty and never having children if I was too busy playing Doom and watching Die Hard, but passing on progress for the next 25 years or so just so we can have a Blu-Ray of Hitman: The Movie? Someone needs to prioritise!
We are not passing up progress. we are progressing in a different manner to that of 50 years ago same as they did before them.
ReplyDeleteI think it's completely false that all we do is play doom, and wait for the next blue-ray movie. Yes "some people" enjoy that a lot but "some people" aren't representative of modern humanity were most of the world doesn't even a way to play doom or watch die-hard.
Sure we aren't progressing to the full extent of human possibility but to live for the sole purpose of progress is not to live at all.
Once again i state that the source of this article you quote most likely is a man who is angry his kids for having fun and running around with friends and probably not doing too well in school...
I don't think humanity as a whole is awesome but I do have hope.
Well, to restrict the definition to persons who watch action movies and play first-person-shooters makes our generation look quite one-sided.
ReplyDeleteI mean, what about good comedies or sci-fi films, strategy and role playing games and one or two activities that you can undertake without the need for a screen?
What would you define as progress? Is getting married and having children per se progressive? To like films and games doesn´t necessarily mean that that´s all there is in life.
"the source of this article you quote most likely is a man who is angry his kids for having fun and running around with friends and probably not doing too well in school..."
ReplyDeleteI think you are very likely correct. It's a similar phenomenon to that "Ipods are ruining society" thing from a couple weeks back.
I know some people who are categorical man-children and are categorically wasting their lives and the time of anyone unfortunate enough to wander into their periphery, but that's not to say I think everyone with an Xbox and a job ought to man up and buy a station wagon. After all, until recently I myself had an Xbox and a job.
Yup. We are on the same page.
ReplyDeletebtw. sux you lost your job, unless you wanted to leave and in that case good for you! or maybe you just sold the xbox. :)
ps. i really need to start proof-reading my comments, there are lots of grammatical mistakes here-and-there.
No, I quit my job so as to travel. Wanna hang out in a few months? :)
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