You know that movie
Heart of Darkness, or that book
Apocalypse Now? This is sort of like that, only with drinking and mediocre movies. You will learn a lot about the worst accessory any game can have this episode. Listen if you want to know who the world's most average guy is.
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ReplyDeleteJägermeister comes in sixpacks in NZ? Seems to be a special package for heavy-users in down-under. ;)
ReplyDeleteAs usual I didn't understand (acoustically) more than 50% of what you guys say. :(
...plus my English fails. Eh, I didn't say epically!
Danny's Tales from Suburbia needs to be a regular feature.
ReplyDeleteAlso, did you know Jared Leto suffered from gout? It's why he started wearing the Crocs, which set of everyone else wearing Crocs. True fact.
Hey Guys!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy TENTH episode!!
Wow 28 drinks in 20 minutes...before hearing the rest of the story...that can't be good.
Yea of course!!! yards measure a yard( i've never seen them made of glass though). Many "yard bars" in Cancun. Danny don't pretend not to know about the funnel drinking(i believe it's called funneling)... you're supposed to be "partyboy Danny!"
Those puke stories are kinda gross. Drinking games are fun to get drunk with friends in interesting and different ways IMO. "binj (binge?) drinking" is disgusting but drinking to get socially drunk/buzzed isn't soo bad.
James Cameron is awesome!! aliens is O.K. YES only ok. i hear he's making terminator 5.
I relate bill pullman with ID4(awesome)... always.
In my world Joshua jackson's name is Pacey...and he sux
isn't gout what you get from always havin wet feet?
I, once testing my nissan pocket-rocket, the speedometer didn't go past 240 so i ASSUME i was doin around 245 250kph. yes i know i was young and reckless. and it was a good stretch of highway too.
anyway, great show. awesome for doin listener requests...
stay safe!!!
p.s. till when will we have PoG, is the trip going to end this?
I haven't heard nothin' bout Cameron and Terminator 5. As the only man in the world who prefers The Terminator over T2 and liked Terminator Salvation just fine, I'm a bad person to ask.
ReplyDeleteA funnel with hose is called a beer bong here in America. This episode brings back some fun memories until you get sick. You know what now that I think a bit, it really wasn't fun at all.
ReplyDeleteBeer Bong!!!
ReplyDeletei should known that!! but i disagree with @silenceisplaid, i think it was a lot of fun. It still is every now and again but with alot more moderation!!
Tom: the newer the terminator movie the better IMO. in that order.
I agree, best episode ever. That tales from the suburbs are awesome!
ReplyDeleteI like to drink a glass of wine or beer and occasionally a cocktail or two, but I never got behind this habit of getting drunk just for getting drunk. I mean what´s the purpose of spending money for getting a headache or ruining your liver?
Gout still is a common disease, at least around here. You get it from eating too much protein-rich food. The higher level of uric acid caused by that leads to crystalisation of this uric acid in your joints. This can hurt quite much. It may well be that the mentioned father felt unable to drive. Of course this does not excuse letting his son drive.
The concept of the mediocre bizarre (?) is quite interesting. I can´t say that I met someone who fits your definition, but that depends on what you find to be average.
I´ll eagerly await the next ten episodes!
SFST - I never claimed to be nor do I think I've ever been called "Partyboy Danny".
ReplyDeleteOntic, we are well impressed by your medical knowledge! Also I, Tom, share your view on drinking, at least before drinking has taken place. Eh? EH?!
ReplyDeleteDanny has been commissioned to collect more Tales from the Suburbs.
It's too late. You're Partyboy Danny now. What am I? I'd like to be "Doc" or "The Prof".
ReplyDeleteLolz!!! that's awesome!!! I apologized preemptively for any verbal abuse(if any) you receive from someone calling you partyboy Danny.
ReplyDeleteAnd Tom, a nickname must be given not self-appointed, I'm sure someone will come up with something eventually :)
jajaja good times...
See, it can be useful to watch every episode of "ER", "Chicago Hope" and "Dr. House".
ReplyDeleteYes, this change of view before/while drinking is not unknown to me. I happened to be drunk a few times myself (shocking!). But not as often and/or regularly as some people around here seem to be. No, I´m not looking at SOMEONE special. ;)
Jajajaja Ontic5!! I believe I see your finger pointing at me from 3000 miles away :)
ReplyDeletebtw i think this is the most commented-on episode yet!
Mediocre-bizarro is also known as B-Movies no?? if i understand the concept correctly...
Yes the "B" in B-Movies actually stands for Bizarro. As in Bizarro Movie or a country's Bizarro Football Team.
ReplyDeleteMmm, not quite. A B-movie is one that has intentionally not had as much money or talent put into it so as to screen before a feature presentation (a somewhat antiquated practice). The Mediocre-Bizarro is more about getting VERY EXCITED about movies that one would think don't warrant a strong position.
ReplyDeleteThis episode made the last one boring in comparison, it is just awesome.
ReplyDeleteHow did you pull off that little person voice so accuratly Tom? I was almost sure you just cut a few minutes out of you breathing helium before speaking.
The mediocre-bizarro genre seems to attract the easily pleased minded, but I can't see how anyone could devote time to be excited about them.
Im so glad you guys share the clarity of mind to see binge drinking and the like as anamalistic and just plain awful, I know too many people who like to make a fool out of themselves by drinking their weight in alcohol and bragging about it later (not to mention posting it on facebook)
You guys are great, fortnights are much too long!
- Just an American Listener
Everyone has one talent that they can do better than anyone else. Mine is being able to talk like a little chimpy man without helium.